Essen wie die… nein, bei den Gilmores

Vom 22. Dezem­ber 2018 bis zum 6. Janu­ar 2019 gibt es ein Event in Lor­elais und Rorys altem Haus in Stars Holl… äh, Hollywood. 

WB schreibt dazu: „As part of the Stu­dio Tour, you will be able to expe­ri­ence a recrea­ted set in Stars Hol­low, Con­nec­ti­cut from the popu­lar Gilm­o­re Girls TV show. The ori­gi­nal cos­tu­mes from the show will be on dis­play as well as Lorelai’s rede­co­ra­ted house for pho­to-ops. You can even take a pho­to in the ico­nic gaze­bo! Don’t for­get to grab a bite to eat after your tour, the­re will be ple­nty of holi­day-the­med food available for purcha­se onsite.“

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