Lauren Graham an der Seite von Emilio Estevez

Lau­ren Gra­ham wird eine Haupt­rol­le in der Serie „The Migh­ty Ducks“ von Dis­ney+ spie­len. berich­tet, dass zunächst zehn Fol­gen bestellt wur­den. Bra­dy Noon spielt ihren Sohn, und Emi­lio Este­vez wird eben­falls wie­der mitmischen.

Fun fact

Emi­lio Este­vez war ein­mal Gesprächs­the­ma zwi­schen Lor­elai und Soo­kie (Fol­ge 4x07 – The Fes­ti­val of Living Art):

LORELAI: The maga­zi­ne I was rea­ding that night, with a spe­cial fea­ture on who’s hot­ter – Andrew McCar­thy or Emi­lio Estevez.

SOOKIE: They’­re both dogs.

LORELAI: My Bubbli­cious-gum neck­lace, my Chun­ky wrapper.

SOOKIE: Ooh, I do like the Chun­ky’s. I’d like bour­bon bet­ter, but I do like the Chunky’s.

LORELAI: John’s digits.

SOOKIE: John who?

LORELAI: He was vol­un­tee­ring at the hos­pi­tal for high school cre­dit. He said, „Call me when you get your figu­re back.“

SOOKIE: Sweet-tal­ker. And for me, it was always Emi­lio ’cau­se he was kind of nasty.

LORELAI: Same here. Rory­’s first jumper.

SOOKIE: Bana­n­a­ra­ma?

LORELAI: I made it out of one of my t‑shirts. It was the first thing I ever made her – ever made, ever. It was post-Gilm­o­re eco­no­my. Look how tiny.


LORELAI: She was the most beau­tiful pink all over. She even smel­led pink. That sounds weird. I can’t descri­be it – that litt­le, pink, baby smell. The first time her eyes focu­sed on me and her litt­le fin­gers rea­ched out… I was someone new. She had me.

SOOKIE: Emi­lio.


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