[2.16] Lorelai’s Yoga Kills Shirt

Lor­elai is wea­ring a top by Toby Pim­li­co in ep. 2.16 to get rea­dy for a day at the Spa with Emi­ly. And we all know how that ends, let me just say „vicious trollop”. 💄💋

The top is a size 32, which is pro­ba­b­ly some­thing like XS oder rather XXS! It is real­ly real­ly small and tight! The white part is a sort of cream colo­red or off­white, the back is pur­ple or laven­der. The wri­ting is a glit­tery pink.

It took me years to final­ly find this top, I bought other ver­si­ons befo­re (the white one and the black-grey one). They are also size 32, I real­ly don’t know whe­re all the big­ger ones are!? Aaaah…

The desi­gner Toby Mott is curr­ent­ly sel­ling a long slee­ved top and a hoo­die with this design in his online shop. So if you want at least a simi­lar one, go over the­re: www.tobyshop.com! 🤩


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