[7.01] Rory’s Sommerkleid

Rory is wea­ring a linen dress by Pra­da in epi­so­de 7.1! I’ve been sear­ching for this dress a long time, I was so despe­ra­te I even star­ted sewing it mys­elf (let me tell me: no fun doing the­se flo­ral designs). So I was very hap­py to final­ly find it.

The sizes are Ita­li­an, so a 44 is like a 38 in Euro­pe (or size 8 in USA). The dress is real­ly love­ly with lots of details like the plea­ting and the black vel­vet straps. 

The back is real­ly open, so it’s not easy to wear with a bra. The dress is clo­sed in the back with one hook and some snap buttons.

7 Gedanken zu „[7.01] Rory’s Sommerkleid“

  1. Wow lucky.. I LOVE this dress.. I want it so bad.. any hints or tips on how to sew it?? I was thin­king of fin­ding someone to do it for me.. would you plea­se let me know what kind of fabrics exact­ly were used in the ori­gi­nal dress? would real­ly app­re­cia­te it! enjoy it!!

    1. Hi Malia, I think it would be very dif­fi­cult to sew it, but if you find someone who can do it, why not? The fabric of the dress is linen. Also the flowers are linen, I think, but in a ligh­ter color. The black straps are vel­vet. The cut of the dress is kind of asy­m­e­tri­cal, and also com­plex with the plea­ting. If you want to buy it, I saw it from time to time on ebay, but it’s rather expen­si­ve… At the moment I can’t find it any­whe­re, but there’s a simi­lar one here: https://de.vestiairecollective.com/damen-kleidung/kleider/prada/beige-leinen-prada-kleider-11003057.shtml
      Good luck to you in fin­ding or making the dress! 🙂

  2. I love this dress, thank you for pos­ting this!! Do you have any infor­ma­ti­on on her 21st bir­th­day dress or the coat she wore in the dance mara­thon epi­so­de? Been loo­king for tho­se everywhere 🙁

    1. Hi Jill, no, I don’t have any infor­ma­ti­on on both of the­se. The bir­th­day dress I’ve been loo­king for high and low and never found it! I think the dres­ses from the dance mara­thon were vin­ta­ge, so pro­ba­b­ly impos­si­ble to find. But may­be you can find a simi­li­ar one on ebay or other places?

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